
🌈 An enhanced edition of Scratch developed by Clipteam.

🧬Custom blocks enhancements

The simplification of building blocks can improve project cleanliness and operational efficiency. Based on the original customs building block function, ClipCC adds global custom building block and return value custom building block functions. These functions can greatly reduce the number of building blocks in some works, improve the writing experience, and reduce code duplication.

🔌 A brand new extensions system

ClipCC introduces a new, more powerful, and open extension system. It allows extensions to add functional building blocks and achieve more powerful functions by modifying the content in the editor or importing Node.js modules.

🌙 Dark Mode

Dark mode is a "dramatic" new appearance, it can help you focus on creating in the darkness, provide a distraction-free, pristine atmosphere. May be enabled in Settings! (Default to follow system) (You'll still need to protect your eyes!)

🪄 Block Convert

For scratchers, their projects are usually incapable of quick publication to multiple communities due to the use of community-specific extension block. ClipCC can convert unknown blocks to ones that can be correctly read (though not correctly ran) by Scratch. You can use this feature to migrate your project quickly! (Needs enabling in Settings)

Text printing

For many game creators, text printing has always been an inescapable problem. These projects generally use print engines and other methods to draw text on the stage, which is inefficient. ClipCC provides a brand new text printing building block, which can quickly modify the printing color/size/font and print it in a short time.

🔧 Performance Optimization

Vanilla Scratch tends to run slower with projects of larger size. Therefore, we specifically optimized the block editing side, improving performance by 60% compared to the vanilla version. We'll continue our attempt to optimize relevant code in future updates and provide better editing experience.

🤔 Return value blocks cannot be clicked to return value

This problem is caused by the poor thread scheduling mechanism of the original Scratch, and does not affect the normal operation of the project. We will fix this bug in the next rewrite of the virtual machine. You can temporarily solve this problem by storing the value in a variable.

🤧 Blur/autosave doesn't work on Firefox

Firefox currently doesn't have the "backdrop-filter" property enabled by default, you can enable it in about:config or turn off blurring in Settings to fix the blurring issue. Firefox currently lacks FileSystem API support, hence doesn't support autosave. You can fix this by switching to a Chrome-based browser.

💬 Other issues

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